Articles for Brand Awareness

Improve the Quality of Your Articles for Brand Awareness

Before I get started, let me get something off my chest. I have a big secret; I’ve been a fraud for many years. Okay, fraud may be a tad too strong in this case, but let’s just say that I never fully lived up to what I preached. While I was busy helping hundr​eds of small businesses deliver marketing content to grow their sales, I refused to follow my advice. 

I was that guy; you know the type. I was like the auto mechanic driving the car that constantly needed fixing. We all know someone like that. For you, it may be the plumber whose family is always nagging him about finishing the downstairs bathroom. My excuse was that I was too busy to create a content marketing calendar to promote my brand. 

There are many small business owners who fit this profile. They would love to spread brand awareness and generate a lot more interest in the company. When approached to set up a blog or create an article marketing plan, they are always too busy. 

Because it was my job to remove that excuse, it may come as a surprise that I was so complacent. The thing is, creating articles and posting them is one of the easiest marketing tasks there is at this point in time. The Internet has made it dead simple. 

However, planning your strategy and tracking your results are important processes for success, but they are tedious. That’s why I pay others to do that. So, now was the time to face the music. 

Why Write Articles for Brand Awareness?

Articles are great entry-level promotional tools. They offer writers the opportunity to develop a following. Businesses can reach out to the public through content and build relationships. The number one excuse I get from small business people when I tell them about creating articles for brand awareness is they don’t have time. The internet is such an amazing resource for special interest groups. It’s also very easy to track down your target audience. This is perfect for developing your voice. You can find your core audience by the major influencers who have large audiences.

You Can Succeed at Article Writing Even as a Rank Beginner

If you’re not naturally gifted at writing, there’s nothing to worry about. There are plenty of formats and templates available to help you structure your material. Digital writing assistants like WordTune, Grammarly and ProWritingAid can help you deliver well-crafted sentences and paragraphs. However, you need to develop the narrative yourself. 

You will improve the quality of your articles with consistent practice. Research your target audience. Provide relevant content. Quality will increase traffic to your site. Take your readers’ interests into account when writing articles.

How to Write Branded Articles

Effective brand-focused articles make people feel something when they’re done. Writing like a journalist won’t get you the reaction you want from your readers. You need to give your material personality. Stir their emotions. Branded articles work best when they affect your readers on an emotional level. 

A big confusion about branded articles is the fact that your content isn’t about your products or services. You aren’t promoting what you offer. You’re promoting the basic values held by the company. 

Think of some of the most heartwarming Super Bowl ads. You may consider the Budweiser Clydesdales, for example. Maybe you’re seeing the pickup trucks traversing the dusty roads through the heartlands of America. Or, you’re imagining those Cheetos commercials and having a chuckle.

Create Content That Your Prospects and Customers Will Enjoy

The first thing you’ll need to do is find out what readers want to know. Then think about what values and interests you may share. You may have an encyclopedic memory of every factoid relating to sea otter migration, but that will only matter to sea otter fans. 

Find out where your potential followers congregate and what questions are on their minds. See what their values are based on demographics and psychographic data. Quick note; there are over 8 million search results on Google for sea otter fan art. 

Head over to sites like Quora and Reddit to find people who are interested in your niche. Check out the questions that come up. Sites like will give you a list of popular questions on your topic by keyword. Take a bit of time to jot down relevant questions and observations that fit your presentation.

Brand-centric Articles Offer a Glimpse Into Your Company’s Culture

The next thing that you should realize is that you need to give your readers a reason to read your article. This means that you need to provide them with information that they can use or that they can learn from. You don’t have to make your articles too long. However, make sure that they contain enough information so that your readers will want to read the rest of your material.

It’s also imperative to make sure that you have an excellent introduction and a thoughtful conclusion. Your introduction is supposed to be short, but it should give your readers a general idea of what you are intending to talk about in your article. Your conclusion needs to be brief, but it should leave your readers with the intended emotional impact.

Make sure that you’re giving your readers valuable information. They need to know that you are offering them something that they can use or that can help them in their lives. Leave them with something to think about.

You can do this by including links at the end of your article. These links will take your readers to other websites that offer more information about the topic that you are discussing in your post. 

  You can also include your own website at the end of your article. This will allow your readers to navigate directly to your site and learn more about the topic that you are talking about. You will also want to include a resource box at the end of your article. 

  This is where you can include a link to your website, a link to a product that you sell, or a link to another article that you have written. You should always try to give your readers a reason for reading your article.  

You Still Need to Publish Articles on Other Sites

When you write articles for your blog or company website, you still won’t get traffic simply because you’ve created content. This is where the second phase of your branding tactics comes into play. You’ll also need to create content for established outlets where thousands of people currently show up to get information each day.

In order to attract established readers to your work, you must appear on one or more of the popular platforms. The goal is to find a following who will visit your site for more information on the topics that they’re interested in. They like what you’re sharing in these portals; therefore, they’ll trust you to offer more relevant information on your blog or website. 

Sure, it’s more work. However, you’re establishing an image; an identity for your company. That’s what you’re after. You need to be visible where your prospects congregate. Get it done. Consider that your body of work on other sites will constantly lead readers to your website for free.  

I’ve included below online content and publication portals. These are places where you can develop a reputation as a thought leader. I separated the list into sites that simply post articles and others that publish a variety of content options. 

It’s unnecessary to appear everywhere on the web. Start with a single outlet and develop your readership. Generate content on a consistent schedule and you will find your audience. It may take time, but it’s an investment that will pay off. 

  Content Portals: 

·         Article Alley 
·         ArticleBiz 
·         Linkedin Articles 
·         Medium 

Publication Portals: 

·         Issuu 
·         Joomag 
·         PUB HTML5 
·         Substack 
·         Yudo  

Research Your Market to Get to Know Your Audience

Naturally, to create branded content that appeals to your target audience, you should clearly understand who your target audience is. Social media tools can help with your research. Facebook may be universally hated for its consumer targeting capabilities, but they can tell you pretty much anything you need to know about your demographic.

Communicate with your reader through stories. They don’t have to be long and they don’t have to ramble. But they should connect with your audience. It can be pulled from your own life or an example from someone famous. The goal is to take your reader through a brief journey that relates to your values. 

The Day I Had to Admit to My Failure

A few years ago, I conducted a webinar on digital content planning and preparation. Early on, I was quite proud of the fact that I had created a content marketing project planner for my clients. This made it easy for them to work with writers, videographers and designers on year-long content marketing campaigns.

“You’ve done hundreds of these case studies and presentations, but you haven’t shown your own content marketing calendar.” This comment came from my oldest son, who was in the office with me while I worked on the webinar PowerPoint slides. 

Despite my admitted procrastination, I recognized the challenge at hand and realized it was time to walk the walk. Throughout the 12-month period, I followed the standard steps; identifying the market, dominant keywords, and themes. On the one hand, I could have kicked myself for not doing it sooner, but I was also proud of the system that is helped so many people over the years. 

Branded Content Appeals to Feelings Rather Than Logic

After that day when I finally owned up to my procrastination, I’ve realized I am just as human as my clients. I even shared my shameful past with them. It’s okay to admit your human frailties. That’s one of the biggest appeals of branded content. It’s not about promoting a product or service, but about evoking emotions.

It’s okay to create tension and even controversy in your articles if it drives the point that you’re trying to make. Keep in mind that the goal of these articles is to bring the audience into your world. You may need to get their attention about a common problem or threat. You want them on your side. 

Take the time to consider your brand identity and the values of your company. Create content that stays on message and reaches the audience that your brand will appeal to. Consider the tone and character of your material. Keep to that style and tone across your media campaign. 

Take the time to produce information that resonates. It doesn’t always have to be a long philosophical tome. Share a few things about yourself and the company through stories. If you are a big admirer of sea otter fan art, that’s okay. There are a lot of us out there. Did you know that the sea otter is a member of the weasel family?   

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