How to Get 80% Sales Conversion Using Email Marketing!

Seems like every day I get emails from people who’re trying to figure out this whole online sales conversion thing. They want to see more positive numbers from their traffic, but often they find themselves just giving up out of sheer frustration. Or maybe they try to pitch to everyone they can, but the entire process is so confusing that they get overwhelmed.

Analysis paralysis, anyone?

After seeing this happen time and time again, I knew I had to stop it. And that’s why I developed a little strategy for cold email prospecting. Once you put this strategy to work for you, you’ll quickly start noticing more sales with less selling. And even better than that, you’ll also stop chasing every lead desperately trying to get them to buy.

This is actually a 5-step strategy, but it’s so simple that just about any small business marketing person can do it.

Really, it’s paint-by-numbers easy.

So even if you’re struggled [with this process] in the past, you can succeed this time. And even if you have never written a sales letter, no problem—because once you use this strategy and our library of cold email templates, you’ll see that it really is quite easy to build a sales funnel with just emails.

So here’s how it works…

Cold email marketing works, but it is time-consuming. And it works best for those who have an extensive list of contacts and can maintain their relationships with prospects. So, if you are a small business owner or entrepreneur with a limited marketing budget, cold email might not be the most cost-effective way to get new customers. But if you have the time to build your own email lists and nurture them over time, cold email will provide you with significant results.

Standard email marketing involves emailing and waiting for a response. You use cold email marketing to contact a prospective client and then follow up with multiple messages. If you have your own contact list to market to, then cold email marketing works well. A company which builds and manages lists of potential prospects can assist you if you don’t have contacts.

With standard email marketing, you email and wait for a response. With cold email marketing, you email and then follow up with a phone call or text message. Cold email marketing works well if you have your own list of contacts to market to. If you do not have contacts, then you will need to work with a company that specializes in building and managing lists of potential customers.

Cold email is best for business-to-business (B2B) companies because people are less likely to respond to personal emails than they are ads on social media platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook. Cold emails should be short and to the point, but professional in tone. A good cold email also includes a call-to-action that asks the recipient to reply or take some kind of action.


Cold email can be very effective if it is done correctly—and very ineffective otherwise! Use the tips above as your guide when deciding how to make email marketing work effectively for your needs.

Step 1: Start with a simple subject line. The very first step in the cold email marketing strategy is to get their attention. And all you have to do is get permission to ask a question.

One word of warning: don’t overthink this step. Seems like many people start this step, but they never get past it because of analysis, paralysis or feeling overwhelmed. However, the beauty of the four-step cold email system is that there is no thinking required. All you have to do is get permission to ask.

Easy, right?

Step 2: Give the lead a personal complement. This step is also fairly simple, because the strategy was personal. This isn’t spam. You’ve gone out of the way to get some information on your prospect. So, in order to complete this part of the process, all you need to do is complement them with what they have accomplished.

Step 3: Showcase an example of your offer at work. Tell them how Professor Harold Hill used your ideas to start a musical group in town. You’re not selling your prospect, just letting see how beneficial it is to take the time to learn more.

Step 4: Call to Action. Now tell the prospect what you want them to do next. This is where you end your communication. This won’t be your last email, but you’ve given them something to do.

Step 5: Add your email signature.

Follow-up is the most important step in the system.

Online sales presentations convert at around 2% on average. Yes, that is correct. Therefore, there’s a 2% chance that a prospect will buy from you when they land on your website. In sales, the initial contact (or touch) is only the start of the process.

An NSEA study was done to get the numbers on record. This was also done by Apple. Below is the NSEA study’s conclusion. In the report, there is a direct correlation between the number of contacts and the conversion rate.

• Contact #1= 2% sales conversion.

• Contact #2 = 3% sales conversion.

• Contact #3 = 5% sales conversion.

• Contact #4 = 10% sales conversion.

• Contacts #5 -12 =80% sales conversion.

If you don’t follow up with your contacts, you’ve wasted time and money. You’ve also given your competition more business. In the same way, sending cold emails with no follow-up is ineffective. Since a 2% conversion is not worth the effort, I don’t teach selling on the first contact. I would prefer to turn a lead into a prospect by developing a relationship with him.

The list is where the money is, according to marketers. Your business will be busy for quite a while if you have a growing list of prospects and customers. Marketers continue to rely on email prospecting as one of the most cost-effective ways to reach their target audience. Will your company take advantage of it?

But don’t take my word for it. Try it out for yourself and see what it can do for you. I think you’ll like your results! For more information on email marketing subscribe here… If you don’t have access to Content Marketing Magic yet, get started today. 

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