How to Use This One Magic Word That Engage People's Buying Reflex?

Yesterday, I was at a holiday party with a small gathering. Since I'm known for online marketing and content creation, a question was posed to me in conversation. "If I had to choose a magic word that would cause people to buy a product, what would it be?" I had to think for a second, but the word that popped into my head was "how". If you're able to define a magic word as one that allows you to attract people to your offer, that would mean managing your keyword selection.

Keywords allow you to conduct a search online for specific information. For example, there's a difference between the search term "how to potty-train your dog?" and "how much does it cost to potty-train your dog?". The first one is looking for information on the topic and the second one is looking to purchase a product or information on the topic. The word how seems to demand an answer.

Author and entrepreneur Jim Edwards says that magic words are those words people use to express a problem, desire, difficulty or roadblock. Basically, Jim's premise is that people use these magic words when they are at a high point of agitation. To find the best phrases that trigger a person's buying reflex, look at the questions that they ask. And while I agree with Jim's viewpoint, I'd like to delve a little deeper into the topic to give you an insider's viewpoint. 

The reason I think the magic word is "how", is because it shows a person's commitment to a solution. Whether the question relates to how much it's going to cost, or how do I solve the problem, the prospect is looking for a solution and is ready to take action. When you're looking for keywords relating to a specific niche to target, put yourself in the shoes of your intended audience. The most direct search phrases that lead to sales conversion revolve around the word "how".

While Jim has been working in this industry for quite some time now, I have a slightly different perspective because, from my vantage point, the word "how" starts the ball rolling. When you're able to answer the question to the prospect's satisfaction, you will most likely get a conversion. So, what I'd like to do in this quick post is remind you of how important it is to use this magic word in your marketing efforts.

In addition, I think it's also a good idea for content marketers to research the questions that people are asking in their niche. Doing so will you find great opportunities to reach the right audience while increasing the chances of receiving the best positive outcome; a sale. Overall, I agree with Jim that we should focus on the audience's problems, desires and expectations. But once again, I'd go the extra mile by saying that it all starts with the magic word, "how".

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