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How to Use this software.



Thank you for choosing Content Marketing Magic. For some of your copywriting and content creation may be new. Others may be well-versed in creating and editing their work.

In this package, you should have received both the guides for creating content Article Marketing Magic Guide, The Way Of The Blog Post, and Write Your Way To Profits.

We will continue to add more useful tips and guides as we continue to refine our system. The best way to get started with Content Marketing Magic is to create a plan. If you’re creating work for yourself, you may wish to look at our guide on using content creation for your specific goal.

If you’re looking to increase traffic to a particular website or blog, your goal will differ from someone who is using content marketing to capture and convert leads. First, determine which tools will work best for you and your plan. Once you have a solid idea of what you want to achieve, then go to the templates and plug-in information you need.

Just scrolling through the massive ever-growing library can leave some people overwhelmed. Always start with a plan. Figure out which tools you will need to accomplish the job, and then work on each component until you’re done.

You’ll be able to find information covering the various topics in our library, either in our blog posts, webinars or, for those of you, in the executive plan, one-on-one training. If you have questions, send us a support ticket and will get back to you within 24 hours.


To your success,

Dennis Morales Francis

DiD Publishing

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